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Mental Health in the AdU Community

Being an Adamsonian student, social awareness and responsibility is embedded to their identity. They were trained and equipped with knowledge regarding about the environment and to be vigilant individuals. Also they are concerned with the issues revolving around the world. Every day, a person who feels bad about themselves, just keeps it on their own. They do not tell anyone unless it’s that bad instead, they just hope it just goes away by whatever solution they can think of whether it is sleep, medication, or food. It’s like this, wakingup and going to your usual routine and then before you can get to the middle it hits you. It makes you feel vulnerable on the inside but you have to be a tough outside. When you go to school, it get even worse. You are piled with work that you can think you cannot finish. When you find a way to escape your loneliness, it goes downhill.

            Within the social realm, consciousness and awareness in the society are still embedded with the Vincentian identity: the 3C’s.

Charity.The spirit of Adamsonians embodies the personality of being a helpful student to their fellowmen. With the great teachings of St. Vincent De Paul, his influence are still engaged to their student life and spread the acts and deeds of their patron saint not just within the campus vicinity itself, but also to the community.

Character. With the personalities and character of each students in the university, they pay respect to one’s personal space and try to engage empathy and within the society.Adamsonians are more likely to be approachable in times of glory and troubles.

Competence. Adamsonians are also known for bravery and resiliency. Faith with the God Almighty plays as a reminder that every problems and struggles that one Adamsonian faces will eventually surpass. Students have their own way on fighting each one of their struggles. When life is somehow dragging them down, they still manage to get up and continue the work of life.

           In connection with the social awareness, the Adamson University Student Government (AUSG) launched an advocacy that tackles about the Mental Awareness Month entitled, “How are you today’’: that talks about how Adamsonians cope up with their struggles regarding anything about their going through. The Student Government created a freedom wall to let the students write down all their thoughts, problems, and grievances they are encountering today. Also, students are also encourage to write advices and uplifting messages to help other struggling Adamsonians.

          With this, the student body decided to establish an organization that deals with mental health named the Adamson University Semi-colon Society, which promotes the human are sensitive type of beings that are able to feel emotions. Sometimes these emotions can affect one’s wholeness as a human being.

Truly an Adamsonian embodies the 3C’s of the institution, either if it is an academic or social problem. Its not doing your best in fighting your inner demons means progress. It actually helps you to be stronger, tougher, and braver. There are times it will be inconsistent for you to fight for your own happiness but as longs as you held onto it, there is a way out.


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