For years, the Adamson community have
experienced how good heartedness is practiced inside the campus. Whether it
came from small donations or prayers for those people who have been damaged by
the calamities and challenges in life. As one learns how to extend a helping
hand, it actually becomes a chain to stretch what an Adamsonian can give to
those who are in need. Not just by giving, but also by sharing of what they can
offer to the world but how can you ultimate define the uniqueness embedded to a
truly Adamsonian identity? With the series of characteristics given with the
past blogs, Adamson has nurtured it’s student to be one of the most competent
individuals that can compete to the outside world, seeing the world with the
different perspective, and helping the world be a better society, but today, we
will share to you the most vital uniqueness in the blood of an Adamsonian: Veritas in Caritate.
Let’s start with Veritas, according to (2018), Veritas is a latin word for truth.
Adamsonian’s hunger for truth have enormously grown out throughthe years.
Many would say that being in truth can be a hindrance to your success, but
being an Adamsonian with a virtue of truth, nothing would be a hindrance if you
will keep the fire burning within yourself. Truth, is where all are given the
chance to show their trueselves even under some circumstances. Thus, it is not
always about oneself, it can also talks about facing the reality, the day, or
even the future. Truth can also be associated with the feeling of a person who
is trying to give their best to tell the factuality of a situation.
On the other hand, Caritate, according to (2018), is a latin word for charity. Adamsonian’s soft heartedness
for the needy have been manifested through series of charity works, missions, and
events that has been conducted through the start of Adamson’s advocacy to help
the needy and poor. It comes to a point where the less for
tunate are being accompanied by each individual charitable adamsonians. Charity, does not always see how wealthy a person can be too able to make it happen. Thus, charity is showing generosity and helpfulness to the needy, but also to the ones who are suffering. It is benevolent goodwill towards love and humanity.
tunate are being accompanied by each individual charitable adamsonians. Charity, does not always see how wealthy a person can be too able to make it happen. Thus, charity is showing generosity and helpfulness to the needy, but also to the ones who are suffering. It is benevolent goodwill towards love and humanity.
The embodiment of Character is not about the Adamsonians in general but it also
encompasses within each faculty members and staff. As the people outside
Adamson only see the staff in terms of the charity work but let us also know
that behind the charitable works, organization, and events of the University
the students of Adamson are the ones who help throughout the necessities of
needs of each unfortunate person in the country or around the world. With each
student’s effort to help each one person, they also know the value of giving
love and care to fellow men. As they go through the things people want and
need, there is an Adamsonian who cares for his or her countrymen.
In terms of Competence, The students of the University are hardworking to give
enough courage and compassion. Adamsonians are known to be competent on all
sorts of things, not a bad way of competing but it is a way of boosting one’s
confidence to help them overcome what they are facing. The difficulties come
and go, but being a true person to yourself, is way much better to help you
mold your spirit.
As it goes on a long way, truth in charity
is also being about yourself. It is going to be the one to give you the value
of how to be a kind and compassionate person throughout your life existence and
how you deal with other people as you go through the future. Indeed, an
Adamsonian is charitable in their works and organizations that can help a less
fortunate person. A true Adamsonian is lifting other people up with them to the
point where they can see others enjoying what they are having.
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